Writing is a strange way of life. I have so much fun letting my mind wander while jotting things down. That is what happens when I write my first drafts. It doesn’t matter what the subject is or even the style. It is always the same kind of thing, whether it is fiction or non-fiction, blogging, or texting; I simply let my mind drift, and off we go.
That is not to confuse what my English teachers used to say, “Just let your imagination go and see what comes up.” That approach always resulted in crap. They never mentioned the other part of the process — control. It is the tension between imagination and control that results in good stories. Imagination is supremely important to get on that faraway reach that interests the reader, but the writer must control it and make it malleable.
That is why control is what results in a good story. Without controlling the narrative, it can result in quite a jumble. That is what happened to me in all my English classes. I let my imagination fly, and before I knew it, my story was completely unbelievable—trash.
It wasn’t until years of writing passed that I discovered the knack of controlling and tempering the story. Years of writing business letters, personnel evaluations, and letters in general resulted in torturous labor on my part and, at best, jumbled words in what I tried to write.
Amusing? Perhaps now, but not so as I slogged through things, writing by the seat of my pants.
I’m unsure when that little nugget of control surfaced, but I did not learn it from an academic environment. I don’t know if my teachers broached the subject, but I didn’t pay any attention if they did. It wasn’t until after several rejections from my attempts at publishing the fruits of my written word that it crept into my writing process, but once it appeared, things took a dramatic turn.
It wasn’t a cure-all, but it upped my skills. Hell, the things I wrote made more sense to me, and that was when the light came on as to how important the idea was to my writing. It was a major windfall. Once controlling things made its mark, I started producing understandable scribblings. There were other factors that I still needed to learn before I could sell anything.
Writing is just as relaxing as reading is to thousands of people, including me. Don’t you love to sit down, curl up with a book of your choice, and lose yourself in the story spun by another? I do. It is wonderful.
While writing this, it occurred to me that some of my readers may not have tried any of my books, so I’m thinking: I will put the first twenty pages of my books at the end of the next few blogs. That way, readers can get a sample of what to expect.
The first book I’ll deal with is Recall. This is the same book as The Sigma Factor, but I received some important feedback saying there needed to be a few changes. So, my editor, Jayne Southern (the most excellent editor I know), and I reworked the book, ending with a much better book. This is the first book of the Sigma Code Chronicles, so it is the logical place to start.
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Now …
Recall by JW Bell
Exhausted from the workout, she had trouble thinking. Even her muscles betrayed her as those in her hands and arms continued to wave a combat knife that wasn’t there, a stab, a slice with the imaginary edge. Everything was automatic. The woman shuffled into the room, collapsed onto her bed, and lay in the dark, too sore to move. She’d trained in secret for weeks and her progress astounded her. Her confidence now that of a killer, lethal with weapons of all kinds. Not like before.
The bright of day would shine in about an hour, and it was time to sleep would her body let her? Muscles screamed and cramped, arms and legs spasmed. She labored to breathe. What kept her at it was blood: then and that yet to come.
They don’t remember me – that was clear to her – and being brutal honest, I don’t care if the one who raped me remembers. A flash of that memory shot through her mind: pain, the humiliation of being taken from behind, not even seeing his face, the noise of slaughter around her. Something to be endured, she brushed it away as part of life.
She intended to kill him, even if she had to kill them both, even the one to whom she’d grown close. She’d do it too.
But, she reminded herself, his death would not be for the rape. But for what came afterward. The death. Benjamin. My little Benji.
She blinked quickly before her eyes betrayed her. My baby! Benjamin. My little Benji. Benji. She had to think of something else. Quickly. My training, that will do, it will enable me to …
She grabbed the air above her as though it was her knife and sharpened the imaginary blade. She loved knife combat. Knives were so hard to master, but tonight things had turned.
Several times her knife ended up in the right place.
All I needed was a bit more force and I’d have killed … she held it up and stared down the edge, at the smooth gleam. They say it feels like stabbing an overripe watermelon, slightly resistant at first, then slides in.
She pantomimed a stab to someone’s gut and repeated it several times, each action slow and deliberate, a twist of the wrist at the end of the thrust. The effect was electrifying each time.
Yes. I’ll kill that son-of-a-bitch. I’ll kill that son-of-a-bitch. I’ll …
She dozed, the thought of sliding a knife into him a constant replay.
The flickerin’ in the hearth did nothin’ against the night, but I didn’t need no help noway. This was my woman’s place an’ I knowed where everything was. Been sneakin’ in here fer almost a year. We’d cozy up an’ hump. I’d fall asleep after, an’ then git up afore first light ’cause we din’t want the Masta ta know.
The smell of Shannie’s collards, greens an’ neck bone hung all over the cabin, an’ my mouth watered good. Maybe there’d be some leavins.
I tiptoed ovah ta the table an’ took a gander. A extra plate was a layin’ there. First, I thought maybe Shannie put it out fo me, but as I got closer, I see the food on it already been eat.
An’ what else? That prime neck bone sat there, ne’er been touched. Now, who in hell would do that? Shannie’s neck bone was the bes’ part.
I stood there a scratchin’ my head an’ then another smell in the air tol’ me what’s goin’ on – Masta’s pipe smoke was a hangin’ stale in the air.
My eyes eased my head up ta the loft, seein’ if I had sight a him ruttin’ up there, but nothin’ come ta me ’cept flickerin’ shadows.
“What you doin’ here, boy?”
I jumped and turned. Masta stood ’hind me, an’ I almost losed it in my drawers.
“This ain’t yer shack. Now you better git on away, Fox Boy.” His laughter cut the room like a old knife aguttin’ a fish. “That piece of ass up theah,” he nodded to the loft, “Shannie, she’s prime, but only foah her Masta. She’s even light ’nough ta pass fer white.” He pointed the stem of his clay pipe at me. “Ain’t nothin’ here foah ya, boy.” Masta walked ta the fire and lit a taper.
“An’ you keep from my missus too.”
At mention of the Mistress, I seen her face afloatin’ in my mind, plain as if afore me, curly red hair, the pale skin white like ’baster an’ strange eyes, one blue, one green.
“Young buck. You stay far from my women. Don’t come ’round ’em at all.”
The light from the wick-stick shined off his deep, black eyes as he sucked that fire inta his pipe. Pale-blue smoke billowed ’round his silver-white hair so much, I had trouble tellin’ ’xactly where his beard ended an’ the smoke cloud took over. But the cloud never cover his eyes.
He stare at me with the calm face of uncaring death.
“Ya ain’t gone yet, boy? You smarter than that. You cunnin’ like a fox, always have been, even as a young buck. S’why I named you Fox Boy.” He puffed a coupla times, smoke arollin’ from his mouth like he was chewin’ on a cloud. “You go on now.”
Holdin’ his pipe with his teeth he screamed, “Git!” Then he run over an’ slapped me. My ears rang so bad I heerd nothin’. Then another slap. “I tol’ ya.”
I wanted to git away, but Shannie. I din’ wanna jus’ leave her. She mah woman. My eyes shot ta the loft an’ seen Shannie’s eyes a shinin’ in the light, starin’ at me, seein’ Masta beat me.
I tried ta bust free, ta run, but ta do that I’d have ta hit him. An’ if’n I hit Masta …
Mah eyes jiggled at the next slap. His boot found my leg, an’ I fell. It was hard ta breathe. He’d kicked my tally-whacker an’ balls. Two more kicks, one in mah ribs, an’ t’other in mah whacker makin’ me puke. I tried ta roll an’ keep from the kicks, but his knee dropped onta mah neck, trappin’ the puke halfway up, burnin’. Then somethin’ pop.
“Awrw! My scream come out wrong. My fingers grabbed at mah throat, tryin’ ta breathe, but …. “Awrw.” It was a whimper.
His hands push mine ta the side, grab mah neck, an’ I think he squeezed, but I don’t ’member.
’Cause that’s when I died.
I sat in the cab, my stare straight through the window at the traffic, complete with a jack-hammer construction crew and the occasional honk of impatient assholes. I’d caught the cab outside the hospital when they released me. The cabby insisted that the air conditioning was on full blast, but my shirt was soaked and sweat drew lines down my temples.
I scratched my head like a goofball and pondered the glaring question in my mind – why? Why did this memory have to be one in which I died? Lord knows, out of all the lives that drifted through me, wanted or not, surely there was something better than that. I mean, if I have to recall a murder, why couldn’t it be one in which I was the killer, instead of the victim? Surely there were some back there tucked in the ether.
For that matter, why do I remember any of them at all? Especially since my memory doesn’t stretch far enough to include anything that’s happened to me this time around. Well, okay, I hedged a little there. There should be but a few things rolling around inside the noodle since I woke up a few months ago. Evidently, I remembered how to speak English. I remembered how to eat, and dress, and all of those little handy things we all do every day. I’m handicapped in recall, along the lines of what happened to me before the day I woke up last September.
I pulled out my ID card and glanced at it again. The name on it was Stanton, Wilburn B. Stanton. My brain agreed with the name. It floats around in the foggiest of memories, and I gave that name to the hospital for a temporary ID card. It had floated in and out of my memory like a ghost for days before I visited the office of the people who make it official.
I still don’t know what the B. stands for, Beaufort maybe, but naw … didn’t feel right. The last cop I worked for said it was probably Buttwipe. Didn’t sound right at the time. Still doesn’t.
Nothing sounded right, except plain B.
The sweat on my forehead really poured, so I wiped it with my arm while I rubbernecked, wondering how much time I had before everything busted loose. Something was about to get my attention, and there was only one way to know what it would be. That was the pattern.
First, a memory comes slogging through my mind letting me know to be on the alert, like today. Then came the mystery. Usually, the memory gives me something of a clue, but somehow, I don’t think there’s any slave murders that need investigating. Not in the middle of the Bronx anyway.
I caught my reflection in the cab window, and it still wasn’t right. The tough guy in my head, Hank, the man I was during World War II, a Brit commando in the Special Service Brigade, describes me as a pencil-necked little prick with small, ratty eyes, and lips that belong on a whore. The last cop I worked with said my lips were too big, eyes too small, and my body in general, although trim and somewhat toned, made everyone I met want to kick the shit out of me.
Personally, I didn’t much care for my appearance either, but what the hell. We can’t all be six feet tall with dark hair and a dimple in our chin. I’d’ve preferred to be well hung too, but life didn’t agree. Average, short hair, no dimple, and well, average.
This life has been crazy as shit. Most are about priorities. The big priority I’ve been working on has been figuring out why I can’t remember the things from this time around, but I can remember things from other turns around the block, so to speak.
Crazy, huh?
My eyes switched focus, no longer using the window as a mirror, but to see things beyond the glass. I watched the working girls lining the street as they did their usual thing, plied their trade: showing underwear, stockings and garters, jiggling and shaking everything they had.
The parade of pros hitting the street didn’t titillate me, though. It reminded me of the late hour.
Sweat dribbled into my eye and stung like a bitch. After a rub on my damp sleeve, I glanced up. The freeway traffic overhead was the usual mob free-for-all, but by the burned orange color of the sky, sunlight would be gone before most of these girls would make a buck on their backs.
The cab muffled the screams, but I heard them anyway. I turned back to the whores. Two were in a fight that had top billing for the rest, except one.
The girl who stood in front of round one ignored them, but she did appear to be for hire, well almost. A couple of things didn’t fit. She dressed too nicely – not enough skin, costume not tarty enough, her make-up too tasteful. Oh, she had the stuff on her face with jarring colors, but not thick enough for the street. Way too fancy, too expensive, and she was too old, not used-up enough. There she was though, walking right in front of me, hooking.
Then it made sense. I beat on the Plexiglas divider, “Stop the cab!”
The screech of the tires gave me no warning at all before the plastic safety divider smacked me in the face, almost busting my skinny-assed nose. It was there for his safety, not mine. A couple more hits like that and my face would be rugged as hell. I fumbled at the door handle as my eyes watered like a four-year-old’s after a spanking but finally, the door opened.
The shot came as I stepped out, and right in front of me, I saw the girl drop, her head mangled and bloody.
Holy shit.
In two steps, I stood over her, my bowels about to go loose on me. Holy shit! I hadn’t known she would be shot.
There was a whole lot I didn’t know. In fact, the only thing I did know about this whole mess made my legs shake and my bladder want to let go: her face. Before the bullet mangled it, she was the image of Shannie.
I stood there with a mess at my feet. Everyone ran away or dropped to the ground, and my mind whirred. By then, the ‘holy shit’ thought had stopped its ricochet through my skull, and my mind had taken up another mantra – now what?
“Stop! Hands where I can see ’em, and don’t move.” The voice pierced my ears like a mutt’s howl through a foggy night. Somebody grabbed me, spun me around, and slammed me down onto the ground. I was dizzy as shit, not to mention the magnificent thump that happened as he so nicely laid me down on the concrete. The voice repeated its demand, “Don’t move.”
Of course, now that I understood, I did as asked. Silly of me not to realize the voice might have belonged to the police. Besides, now that I’d run out of the cab faster than a teenager about to pop his cherry, I remembered the bullet. Before it killed ol’ girl here, it had to have come out of somebody’s gun.
I ran my hand over my buzz cut: Wilburn B. you are a stupid, stupid, dumbass.
Everyone who hid a few minutes earlier now stepped cautiously forward, vying for a better glimpse at the mess. Sirens filled the air, the sounds attack me from all directions, like the red, blue, and white strobe lights that hurt my eyes.
Yup. A dumbass, old chap.
I heard snatches of conversation from the growing crowd making the same assessment as good old Hank, plus they stared at me.
This is definitely shaping up to whatever the Fox Boy and Shannie memory had been prepping me for.
“Aw, crap.” This voice sailed over all the caterwauling, and of course, I recognized the voice as different from the one that demanded I stretch skyward and lie down at the same time. I didn’t need to view the speaker to know to whom the new voice belonged. That strong Brooklyn accent … I mean a dog knows the smell of another dog’s butt. The high regard this officer had for me showed in the disgust that dripped from his next phrase, “It’s Buttwipe.” The last cop that I’d worked with.
“Officer, uh, uh—” I’d forgotten the name, and started to stammer.
“Detective,” the new voice corrected, “Nancy.”
That’s the name! How the hell did I forget that?
Hank, the tough guy, always had a ball with the name: Nancy man, Nancy prance, Nancy the wanker, a bunch of mean things. Things I was always glad only my ears heard. Otherwise, I’d get beat up or sued. Hank was a prick. Hell, he was a prick when he was alive, even more so now.
I ignored the buttwipe name and turned and calmly asked, “What’s going on?”
“What the hell do you mean, what’s … get, get up. No. Put your hands on your head and—”
“Can I move out of all this mess first?”
“Hell, yeah. Move outta that mess, and get your buttwipe self over here, away from her.
That’s right. Now turn ’round.”
Nancy spent about twenty seconds shaking me around like a dish towel, I guess to rattle some sense into me. Then he led me off to the side, out of the way of what was about to become a circus.
The whore’s faces all showed disgust, not so much at the violence, more at the loss of wages because of all the police activity. This would cut into their prime-time evening trade. Oh, they’d probably talk one or more of the officers into dallying a little later on, and then there’d be the creepy johns (those turned on by the violence), but for a while, business would be flaccid.
“So,” says Nancy the Dick, “After the last case, I was hoping I’d never see ya’ again.” With a pull on my elbow, he turned me around. The first sight of his face convinced me he wanted to punch my nose hard enough to move it from where it was, to somewhere on my right cheek. “I came off like an asshole.”
“Well, Nancy, that may have been my fault, I mean if I hadn’t screamed … but we can’t change that now. Maybe you can admire it this way. You’re an asshole, and I’m a buttwipe. Kind of poetic, huh? Maybe we’re related.” I opened my beady little eyes as wide as possible (probably only succeeded in making their bearing more like small, steely marbles) and stared at him, pretending I was Hank.
It didn’t work. Sometimes I can do it, sometimes not.
Nancy’s eyes dripped loathing, and he clenched his teeth so hard that it manifested as though he was in the middle of a really rough bowel movement. “Okay, we’re both a couple of jerks.”
He dropped his head in thought, and I saw through his thinning hair to his scalp. I caught a chuckle before anything came out.
The sight reminded me of my life in the fourteen hundreds as Brother Mick, a monk with a shaved pate. If you discounted the self-flagellation, the horribly uncomfortable gonads (after a few years, I grew used to that part) and the extreme mood swings of the Abbot, that life had been wonderful. The mental focus I achieved had been spectacular.
Did Nancy have a focus like that? I rubbed my head. “Hey, Nancy?”
“You get laid much?”
His laugh was a slow, purposeful rumble through his chest, almost a growl. “Naw,” he answered. “And I know damned well you don’t either. A couple of horny little detectives.” He nodded, his teeth shining.
Why did it remind me of a growling wolf?
“Only one problem with that,” I retorted, and he raised an eyebrow. “Only one of us is a detective, Nancy.”
His face threatened to explode through his eyeballs; before it did, I added, “All I do is remember what I’m not supposed to know and forget everything I should be able to know.”
After a couple of seconds of him chewing the air while his mind deciphered what I’d said, Nancy calmed down. Well, enough so that his eyes sank back into their usual position. He draped an arm around my shoulders and guided me back to the crime scene. On the way, I caught the drift of a delicate perfume, but then a bus rumbled by and the diesel exhaust it farted out prevented any whiffs of anything – perfume, blood, or carnage. At least I didn’t feel like puking.
I focused down on her. Grisly as it was, the smell didn’t accent the visual and I controlled myself. Poor old, faceless Shannie look-a-like.
“You know her, Buttw— ah, Wilburn?”
I shrugged and squinched up my face, “Call me Stan. Wilburn sounds even more wrong than Buttwipe.”
Nancy shrugged. “Yes or no?”
“Not her. Someone who had the same appearance … years ago.”
Nancy chewed on that. “Thought you were incapable of remembering more than a few months.”
“Different kind of memory.”
He teased something off his tongue, studied it for a second, and then flipped it away.
“Different or not, you got a clue.”
Something with the girl did have my attention, but I didn’t know what, and it wasn’t her facial features. “Listen,” I walked around to the other side of her. “All I know is, someone who had the same face as ol’ girl here witnessed a murder years ago.”
I leaned in for a closer inspection. Although dressed like a high-priced call-girl, she wore a ring on the third finger of her right hand.
Get in closer, mon ami, Jacques, my former existence as a jeweler, whispered to me.
Bend down and inspect the thing at closer range.
I did. Not a wedding set, pretty good diamond though. Jacques spoke up, Couple of carats, emerald cut. Expensive.
“Hey, Detective? How come a streetwalker wears an expensive ring like that?”
“Huh?” He took a knee beside me. His eyes locked onto the ring, opened in surprise, and his face paled. “Don’t know.” His fingernails scraped over the stubble on his cheek, as if he was checking his shave. “You’re right.”
His eyes jumped around, as if stewing over something. Without warning, he stood, grabbed my arm, and tugged me to his car. “Time to let the photo guys have their turn.” He stuffed me into the auto like a criminal, complete with pushing me into the back seat while holding his hand on my head to ensure I didn’t hit it on the roof.
A familiar action: the last case we’d worked, he’d done the same thing when he arrested me. I chuckled a bit and tried to make some small talk, “Seems like I remember doing this before.” We both knew the arrest was one of the reasons he’d looked an asshole.
2 thoughts on “A Little Recall At The End”
I love this and the idea of sharing a few pages…. great idea
Love it! There is a beautiful tension in your writing… like something big is always only a few sentences from surprising the reader… well done!