J W Bell


Thank you for visiting; come on in and look around. The site tells you who I am, what I do, and what books I’ve published.

Let’s dive right in. I write thrillers, and while my fiction is military thrillers, they do not focus specifically on the military. The books are more friendly to the military. They are written with Veterans and blue-collar workers in mind. When I write about missions, I use actual terminology and equipment that Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen use when performing those missions. There is also colorful language. This language is not an attempt to say all military people swear. However, many of them do, and I want to be realistic.

Remember, I write both, fiction and non-fiction.

About the fiction. The keyword is fiction. All my characters have originated in my mind. The places might be accurate, but they have fictitious premises.

And the non-fiction. It should be easy to tell which books are fiction or non-fiction. Fiction stories have characters, and they have a larger plot than life. The non-fiction things have easy-to-follow and realistic non-fiction premises that make you think.

Recall is a psychological and political thriller. I first published this one under The Sigma Factor, but I have since re-edited it and added a few things.
You’ll like it.

Click here and BUY NOW!

This next book, The Great Zero-Sum, has elements of a spy and political thriller. is about a man haunted by the memory of his wife dying and his quest to find who was responsible. 

The Great Zero-SumClick here and BUY NOW!

The Dao The newest book of mine to release. It is the long-awaited continuation of the Sigma Code Chronicles! The Dao (The SIGMA Chronicles) is out and available now.

Don’t wait.  watch the trailer.

The Dao. It’s gripping. Its tense. It keeps you enthralled. It is exactly what you are looking for!

Click here and BUY NOW!

 The next book I will release is The Mission. It will release some time in 2025. It is chocked full of plot twists. It starts as a military thriller and ends with political ramifications. It is a thriller all the way through.

Non- Fiction

This is my new non-fiction book. It is available wherever books are sold. The book was designed to induce the reader’s contemplation of several things. Watch the trailer. I opened myself up to the world. Read this and you will view my inner thoughts and know me better than my ex-wife. Come get toClick here and buy it today!


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