The new Cover for The Dao!

Today is the day I’ve looked forward to for years. I am unveiling the cover for my soon-to-be-released sequel to Recall and the Sigma Chronicles. The Dao will go on sale for preorder immediately. However, presale means selling before the release day. That day is December 13, 2023. Buy it on presale and it will automatically be sent to your inbox on the release day. I know December 13th is more than a few days away, but that gives everyone a better chance to get my first book in the series, Recall.

If you can’t afford to buy it, don’t be disappointed. In celebration of The Dao and to entice more people to subscribe to my newsletter, I have a code that lowers the price to… $0.00. That’s right, free, nothing, zilch, nada—my gift to you.

That doesn’t mean Recall isn’t worth the money; it is. The book took years to get from the first word to its actual publishing. When you pay for a book, you get the results of all that sweat, labor, and thinking. And with all that work, it is worth the money. That means you get great value by getting the free offer. Plus, you get to know what the series is all about. Then you can make an informed decision about buying The Dao, another great value.

Here is the cover:

I love this cover. It was fashioned by Lisa Orban the publisher Indies United Publishing House LLC. She did a great job, don’t you think? If yo need a cover, or formatting, check her out here.

The Dao continues the story of the task force and the Sigma Chronicles.

Another plus is that the release date is close to Christmas. That means it will help with your Christmas shopping (unless you wish not to and pick it up because it is a great book). To help you with that, I have a trailer to entice you. All you need to do is click here, and boom! The Dao trailer will play for you. Pretty slick, huh? Go ahead, pick it up. You might even decide to pick up the paperback. You get that new book smell along with that. You have to love that.

Shopping around the Indies United website doesn’t mean you might find more presents. What it means is … you will always find something absorbing if you shop there. We are all independent authors and, as such, fling the doors open to imagination. There is no telling what world you might find yourself falling into.

That is one of the most robust pleasures I ever found, reading.

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